Saturday, February 9, 2008

Why an "Oral History"?

This Blog is Being created as a way to collect an "oral history" of those that lived during the Viet-Nam War Era. It has been a personal goal of mine since I worked on Master's degree to create just such an "oral history" of this war. We have our "Silent Majority"; Veterans; War Protestors. We have our political history and our war history.

Oral History is about the personal experiences you won't find in the Textbooks. Its about the average Joe Lunch bucket that never had a place in the textbooks. Its about the parent that lost a child in the war. The widows and the fatherless. Its about growing up in such a crazy decade that brought us both Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon.

Please feel free to e-mail me with your personal experience. I guarantee you that I have no desire to sell your story or profit from the publication of it. The reward is in the wisdom that can be gained from those that lived through an event as participants.

Its about leaving a legacy that others can learn from. If this takes off, I will expand it into a web-site where people can learn a thing or two about the "old-timers". This oughta be fun!

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